Thursday, October 18, 2007

education and other stuff

I spent the last hour or so of work today looking at online/distance schools. It will really hurt my career in the next few years if I don't start actively pursuing a degree. I'm not satisfied with the programs that the majority of people in my field are taking on. It would be easiest to get my degree in something dealing with electronics or engineering, or even electrical engineering. Most of my military courses I've had would be excellent for transferring to that area of study. In fact, Southern Illinois University offers a program that's just over a year long; but you have to attend school every other weekend from like 8:00 until 4:00 Saturday and Sunday. That's a pretty good deal if you'd like to work with electronics. I think I'm "decent" with electrical/electronic systems, but I don't really enjoy it. I've been looking for the "perfect fit". I can't find it.

The last formal education I've had was in high school, nine years ago. From what I remember, I was good at writing and other english-related work. Sure I could use some polishing, but I didn't really struggle with it. I also remember enjoying math, but getting frustrated when I was challenged. Which is ironic, because I'm overly frustrated with my job now because it's not challenging whatsoever. Is that all I need? Something challenging? Life is challenging enough; why would I want more? I hope I figure this out soon.

I think when I look at the options in front of me, the only idea that stands out is that I want to do something with my life that is important. I honestly believe everyone wants to do something important. Something defining. I want both - I want to be defined as an important person. Is that greed? Can I want to much out of life if I don't have a lot now? Perhaps it's just a dream.

To me, there's a certain romance interlaced with being a mathematician or a literary. Maybe it's just because I don't have any friends pursuing those avenues. I always enjoy standing out. Maybe I respect math because I admire my father so much, and he always appeared to be a master with numbers. He passed that on to my brother definitely. I wish it was with me too. I wish I could find my calling. Ahhh... so many wishes, and no genies in my head to help me along.

If anybody has any advice for me, please help. I'm open to ideas and suggestions. It's going to be hard for me to make chief or ensign without getting started.

On a lighter note - I've also been playing my xbox 360. More specifically, NBA Live '08. I'm currently 7-1 with the new Boston Celtics. I hope I get a chance to see them play this year. Also, Jen just bought one of the new iMacs. I guess we're becoming an Apple family. Now if I can just get her to send that camera. We have been talking on iChat the last couple days, and that's been nice. Kael is crawling now. He crawls backwards faster than forwards. Our youngest dog, Figo, is getting to be a monster. He's only about 5 months old and his head is larger than Kael's torso and head combined. I guess we can only expect that kind of growth seeing how he's a mastiff.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, and didn't find it too depressing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog is quite fun to read--good job. Brings back memories of "sittin and waitin" when I was in the Army. On education--I am very hard nosed about it. If you are going to stay in the military, they only care if you have a degree-punched the ticket. So career wise, the best thing to do is get a degree, almost any degree, as quickly as possible. Then you can get a degree, Masters? in something that really interests you. Following that logic, you would find what degree accepts the most credits from your miitary experience and finish it. Most of us don't really use our Bachelors Degree for anything other than a step to something else. I got a Bachelor of Science in History!!! Was never wild about Science, but I did get into Med School. Uncle Tim