Thursday, October 11, 2007


If you don't know what "one-upping" is, here's the joke... (Regretfully, I can't remember the comedian who talked about this)

One-upping is when when you tell a story, and there's always that idiot who has to tell a story that is just a little bit better than yours. Like if you're at a party and you're telling people how much it hurt when you had two wisdom teeth pulled. There's always someone that will "one-up" you and tell the story about how they had FOUR wisdom teeth pulled. In turn, you don't look like so much of a badass anymore. One-uppers are out there, and they'll always get you. I wouldn't even suggest telling a story of getting FOUR wisdom teeth pulled because there's bound to be some freak of nature (or liar) out there that had SEVEN wisdom teeth pulled! You know who the ultimate One-upper is? Neil Armstrong. No one can one-up walking on the moon. Picture this: Neil's at some party drinking his cognac like Neil does. He's sitting quietly in the corner while listening to some blatantly obnoxious person talk about how they were going 160 miles per hour in their new Ferrari. Finally, the situation gets out of control and Neil decides to step in...

"You went 160 in your Ferrari? Wow! That's amazing! You know what? You know what?! I walked on the MOON! And I even drove my rover there. I don't know if I was going 160 or not though... because... that's right! I was on the MOON!"

*The guys at work should love that - we always one-up each other*

The whole point of my rant is that I'm going to one-up my story of working so much the other day. Today, I had to get up at 5:30 to take some guys to the airport. It was about an hour drive. When we got back, we had to go back and pick them up because their flight got cancelled. Before you know it, it's lunch time. I don't know if the time stamp on this post is accurate, but I just got home from work and it's midnight. No sleep, only a short lunch and dinner break. I don't think I've ever worked this much. Funny thing is: When I have nothing to look forward to at the end of the day (i.e. family), I don't mind working so late.

I think I'm almost at the point now where my job has some meaning. I should be getting more involved with the EWO training out here shortly. I've been deemed the "Excel Guru" even though I am far from being even considered literate with the same program. Over the last few days I've just been compiling reports and input from guys/girls that are working in the Baghdad area. Nothing exciting at all.

We did have a few rocket/mortar attacks on base yesterday. I was in a meeting when it happened, so I was safe. For some reason, they don't even faze me. Even the first one I heard on the first day I got here, my heart rate was still steady. Apparently they don't bother me like they should (even when my chair shakes when they hit). Maybe I'm too used to the louder 5-inch guns on the ship?

I'm off to call Jen on Skype now. The only time my internet has any bit of haste to it is after 11:00PM and before 7:00AM.

Thanks for the comments everyone! If it wasn't for the comments, I'd probably slow down even more on the posting.
Pam- I'll see if I can find Rob. Pretty sure I don't have the clearance/need-to-know where he works, but I know someone who does. Maybe I'll be able to pull him away for a while.
Darby - I miss you too! I wish I could come back sooner! Do you have any more direction on what you're doing for Christmas? I know you mentioned going to Chicago, but I haven't heard anything else.
Grandpa- I'm going to give a good reply to your email when i get some free time at work!


Anonymous said...

hey corey! so yeah, im finally taking the time to leave you a little something. someday i hope i can even get a letter out to you. i bet it would be nice to hear from us; you giving us all your stories and us just listening is probably lonely. although your stories are probably much more exciting than ours. There isnt much new here in Santa Barabara. I got a job on campus, which i actually really like because i meet a lot of people. My apartment is ok, i hardly spend any time here though, we finally got couches after a month and a half. that was exciting. ohh yeah and we DO have termites, thats a killer. and rent isnt too nice either. yeah. it seems that schools getting harder and harder, im taking physics this quarter, and i seem to always be behind. ill finally catch on to something that he taught last week. im not doing much with sports, but i have taken up boxing. i really enjoy that! im also rushing for a sorority this quarter, thats also keeping me busy. but all in all, i really miss home. i never get the comfort and security of it here, although i shouldnt be the one talking. oh and im thinking about going and seeing jen sometime with my friend kaela, (she loves to travel) ive told her all about the boys, so she said she wouldnt mind going, and shes never seen chicago! well, i see now i should of just sent you an email. but im glad there is some kind of communication here! i really miss you, and hope for the best. theres a lot of distractions here in santa barbara, but one true thing is youre always on my mind. i love you! ♥caitlin

Anonymous said...

I don't like the fact that your chair shakes! Just want to know that we are reading your "rants" too. We think of you every day and want you to know that you, and the rest of the troops, are in our prayers. Stay safe!
-Mary, Reed & Nate

Sean said...
