Saturday, September 8, 2007

South Carolina

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything. I just left Maryland this morning where I had another course. I can't really tell you much about it, except that it covered what I'll be doing in Iraq - Electronic Warfare, or EW. Nothing really too special happened in MD. The most exciting thing was that Avis was out of compact cars, so they gave me a mustang. Which was cool, but it sucked on the gas mileage compared to say, a toyato corrola. There were a couple of speakers up there that made me feel a little excited about going to Iraq. And there were a few more who really made me NOT want to go. I was reassured, however, that as EW Officers we will be in a pretty good position to "live the good life" in Iraq. I don't know what the "good life" really entails, but nothing can be as good as home.

Last weekend I went to NC to see my friend Jason. It was pretty sweet. I drank quite a bit of beer (some homebrew) and did a little bit of boating and tubing. The best part was that I wasn't stuck in Maryland for the three day weekend eating fast food. I actually got some good home cooked food. It'll most likely be the last home cooked food I have until I come back for break which should hopefully be around Christmas time.

I mentioned earlier that I just left MD this morning. I am now in South Carolina. I've never been here before, but flying in, it looked really cool. So much greenery. Right now I'm sitting on the top bunk of an iron bed in a room of about 60 bunks. We've got our lockers here, but only the random lockers will actually lock. There's hardly enough room in the lockers to keep all my gear, and from what i hear, they're issuing us another two seabags of gear. Should be interesting. The good thing is that the compartment of bunks isn't at capacity. There's only about 15-20 people here now, but we expect to get more shortly. I don't mind the "open bay" style of bunks, but what I DO mind is the open bay showers. There's six showers, and as soon as you open the door to the bathroom, the showers are right there with no curtains, no nothing. It really brings me back to bootcamp. We shouldn't have any inspections here, so that's cool too. The very very best part is that about 2 weeks ago they installed wireless internet on the entire base, so I will hopefully be updating this more often. It's hot as hell here, but not too humid, so that's good. Still not looking forward to working out in my new Army uniforms - long sleeve.

I've met a few good people in Maryland. There's an OS1 named Matt Thoelke who seems like a pretty good guy that will be doing the same job as me in Iraq, but the chance are not good that we'll be stationed together. Oh well, that's the military for you.

Well, looks like some more sailors are coming in now. I should get going to defend my bunk below me. I'm going to try to keep it as quiet as possible around my area. Matt is going to do the same I imagine. Take it easy all.



Anonymous said...

Wow its been a long time since i've been in touch with you. sorry it is under these circumstances but better now than later. if you couldnt tell from the name its your cousin Jack here wishing you the best of luck over there... there is so much i would love to talk to you about but have no idea if this is the venue for it. if its cool just let me know if not how i can keep in touch with you.
looking forward to your future posts and seeing how things go for you over there. i just watched documentary called "war tapes" from some nation gaurdsmen with somewhat differing opinions on the conflict.
like i said if we can chat on here cool if not just let me know. can't wait to hear from you!

Theresa said...

Hey Corey, found out last night from Grandma that you have this blog. I am so excited about this so I don't have to wait for your mom to forward e-mails to Grandma and then for me to hear from her.
I have been counting down your 3 weeks of training before being deported and you have been on mind all weekend wondering what day you leave (left) and where exactly you'll be in Iraq. After reading your earlier postings it sounds as though you will be in Bahgdad. Is that correct? Your mom told me that it is possible you may be staying in a palace, that would be a fair trade to your last lodging facilities (S.C. w/ wide open showers).
You (and Jen and boys) are on my mind daily. I often imagined your farewells with them and it would bring tears to my eyes. Needless to say, reading your "crier" entry brought back the tears. I wish I could of given you a big hug before you left.
I will be viewing your open diary often, eager to hear anything. I hope you can post some pictures (of anything). Good luck and stay safe. Love, (Aunt) Theresa