Sunday, October 21, 2007

Short 1

This is entitled "Short 1" because there will most likely be a "Short 2" and a "Short 3" and so forth. Be warned. But by the end of this, it will probably end up being kind of long...

For some reason at work, part of my job includes taking people to Baghdad International Airport. Usually it's guys who are just getting here and are going out to their Forward Operating Base(FOB). Myself, and another guy named Chapman, are the ones who are in charge of setting up their flights, and making sure they make it there on time. (I'm getting frustrated just thinking about this) We go out of our way to hunt people down and make sure they know what time to be ready the next day. As it is, we don't find out flight information for a certain day until 10:00PM the night before the flight. It's ridiculous, really. Most of the other people we know who set up flights wait for the sailors/soldiers/airmen to come to them for the information. We really do go out of our way to make people happy. I don't mind it really. Until last night. I walked into a tent where the transient people are staying until they leave Baghdad. I was wearing my hat and weapon like I'm supposed to (in proper uniform). I notified everyone of their flights (for today) and was about to leave when a Lieutenant Commander stopped me and asked "Hey man, is your head cold or what?" I knew that he was referring to my hat and the fact that I was wearing it inside. I didn't give him a smartass response, I just told him that I was doing my job. He told me to take my hat off. I kind of lost it there. I gave him the specific uniform instruction that says when indoors, carrying a sidearm, and on official duty status, the servicemember SHALL NOT be uncovered. He just kind of looked at me like I was the ass. Then he changed the subject back to his flight and said that he'd call me if he had any problems. I said "alright". Then he corrected me by saying "That's yes, sir. Not alright". Sure, I probably should've said "yes, sir", but everyone was being informal, and he didn't even have his flight suit zipped up! I hate people like that.

We're all out here in this terrible place. No one really WANTS to be here anymore. So why make it worse for someone else by being a jerk? Why are you bringing a bad attitude to someone who's trying to help you out? And believe me, this isn't the first place I've complained about it. So, by my calculations, he has actually made at least nine people upset by his comment. And if you get upset when you read this, it just keeps adding up.

Something else that really grinds my gears: I wanted to do the EWO job. After I found out that I'd be working directly with the Army, I was actually pretty excited. I was kind of excited going through all my schools, and now that I'm NOT doing the EWO job, I'm really upset. I still want to do that job. But I can't, because I get tasked to do stupid stuff like take people to the airport and create pointless excel spreadsheets that other people already have. Some of the stuff I do - someone really does have to do it. I'm not saying I'm better than that. I'm just saying that there are people who don't want to do the EWO job. Take them away from their job, give them mine, and I'll be an EWO. It makes sense to me. I get really steamed when I think about it. Why oh why am I doing this job? I don't know. I hate being a complainer, but it's just so frustrating. I feel like I have so much more to provide but I don't have the opportunity. It's driving me crazy. God, this place sucks.

Have a good night, everyone.



Anonymous said...

Hey, Corey! Rob says you two work in the same building, and he's talked to someone who knows you. Sheesh... If you guys ever have a slow day (I think you ALL work 15+ hour days!) I hope you can track down and meet each other. And yeah, life is definitely not fun over there. Kate has been in Iraq almost 7 months (Argh!!! Not even to the halfway mark!), and she STILL lives and works in a tent. The DFAC is a l-o-n-g bus ride away - so she stays "home" and eats mystery meals and drinks stinky water. She has high aspirations to move into a trailer some day....

Take care. Be vigilant. Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Corey, honestly, I wish I was there or you were here. I know that life over there is pretty stupid sometimes from what you've shared, but we could make it pretty exciting together I bet! Just know that I am always here (really, sorry I can't be there) and you can count on me to always pray for you:) I love you tons!!!

As far as Christmas goes, I don't think I'll be able to go to Chicago. Tickets are over $700 and preschool teachers don't exactly make jackpot. But you don't need to hear me complain, so I'll let you go and I'll be sure to write more soon.

Theresa said...

Hey Corey... Thst's pretty cool that you got to meet the General! Did you get a picture? The palace that you toured, is it where some "higher ups" get to stay? Have you been on the streets of Bahgdad much. I hope not. Arere you in the city, or north of or south of or where abouts, if you can say.
Those darn assholes, they're everywhere aren't they? Well, keep your head up and keep believing in yourself and ignore them. But kepp telling us the stories, I enjoy all of them.
Have you found your cousin (is it?) yet? You work in the same building? How far is your work from your trailer? Oh you talked about convoy training , I don't want you to be the leader of a convoy, I don't want you in a convoy at all. I too wish you would get to do the EW job. And SOON!
Will Jen take kids out for Halloween? Has she said what they will be? I shouldn't talk about that kind of stuff, I'm sure you miss them terribly.
No ideas on a career for you but if I think of something I will be sure to suggest. Guess you'll just have to stay in the Navy a little longer. Sorry.
Well keep on typing, love hearing the stories. (Maybe you can sell a book about this.)
Thinking of you always.