Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Short 2

I have a lot of time to think out here. Some thoughts I've had in the past day:

1. I'm going to write a paper on how to be a good teacher. This is for my benefit. I'm not sure anyone else will gain anything. But my methods of instruction have worked so far, so who knows.
2. I'm going to actively take part in a political party upon my return to the States.
3. Eisenhower smoked four packs of cigarettes per day and became president... while I don't think this would be beneficial to any campaign these days, I find it impressive.
4. I look more respectable with a 1-2 fade than with long(er) hair. Picture to follow.
5. Reading books about military history and overall leadership at work is not only enjoyable, but is accepted by the senior officers... 215 seemingly automated days remaining doesn't seem that long or boring anymore.
6. Note to self - look into career as military historian / public speaker.
7. I need to be more interesting...

1. I've been wondering how I'm so comfortable speaking in front of an audience, and how I get that audience to not only listen, but WANT to listen. How I get in a "groove" with communicating with people. If I ever finish this paper, you'll see one word a lot: friendship. That's all I know so far.
2. Since I'll be leaving the military, I want to help out in some other way. I doubt I'll be heading to any office that's shaped anything other than "cubicle" or "maintenance vehicle", but we'll see. I'm not THAT charismatic or appealing!
3. Nothing more to say about that really. But jeez: 80 cigarettes! At the peak of my smoking career, I could never smoke more than 30 in one day. I guess I'm not even half the man Eisenhower was.
4. I got my hair cut significantly shorter. Immediately after, numerous people at Division HQ were seen smiling at me. Perhaps they were politely not laughing. I think I had my hair this short when I met Jen though, so maybe I'm more handsome this way? Though I remember looking like a malnourished hostage in high school when I shaved my head.
5. This is how I came about with the four packs of cigs information... like I said - enjoyable. It certainly makes the time go by faster. And the O-6 approves, so it can't be wrong.
6. Based off of my recent doorway that opened to the treasure of military literature I have at my disposal, I will probably be well qualified to clean house in any Jeopardy! category that involves war. If my "education paper" and ideas go into syndication, I should probably go on tour. That is, assuming my music career doesn't result in more stardom than "Frankie Goes to Hollywood"(Relax!(Don't Do It!)).
7. I know my wife loves me, but I can make her happier by being a better, more well-rounded, and diverse person. I know my children love me, but I can better support them by being able to take more of an active role in anything they want me to. I'm a pretty basic person right now. The only things I'm really good at, are the military and food(eating a lot of it). I don't have a lot of talents to share with anybody; nothing interesting, nothing exciting.

This certainly wasn't meant to end on a depressing note, and I hope you didn't take it that way. Like I said before - just thoughts I've had in the past day. Goodnight.


1 comment:

Theresa said...

Hey Corey, you must be busy, doing your real job hopefully (the one you were trained for) or better yet making arrangements for your holiday homecoming. Will you still get to come home for Christmas? I hope so although I have heard from some guys that it's great to be home but then they have to go through the emotional good-byes again and they would rather not. If you do get to come home how long will you be back for?
It's beginning to look and feel like Christmas here, ice, snow, highs below freezing. Yeah I hate winter.
About your last entry, you are not boring and the ability to get people to listen, not to burst your bubble but I believe some of that is inherited...from your dad. Public speaker, historian, maybe politician, any of those careers sound like you.
Stay safe....stop worrying about your hair, your handsome no matter what.