Friday, November 9, 2007


I got my camera a few days ago. The only problem is that I don't get up until about 7:00 now, and by the time I shower and get ready for work, I have no time for pictures. And then when I get off of work, it's already dark... I took some time off today to go down to Camp Slayer to get a haircut and thougt I'd bring my camera while Chapman drove. However, my connection is crap once again, so I can't upload any photos right now. I'll add them as soon as I can.

I bought an electric guitar online yesterday. I'm pretty excited about it. I think I watched Black Snake Moan too much, and that REALLY got me wanting to play the blues. I've got quite a bit of blues now anyway. I figure I have quite a bit of time left out here to learn how to play - I can practice every day. I'm expecting to go on a world tour when I get back, so start saving up some money now to be my groupies. I hear Japan can be kind of expensive.

I think Jen must know how bored I am out here too. I've been reading a lot lately, and I usually start and finish a book in 2-3 days. So she bought me a couple of books that will probably take me a while to read - A couple Steven Hawking books to be more exact. That should be interesting. But I'm actually looking forward to it - it seems to me that Robert Ludlum novels are all the same now - there's an ex-agent who loses his memory, and is trying to find himself; or, there's an ex-agent who must stop a diabolical political scandal.

Thanks for reading.



Anonymous said...


Keep up your blog! I'm absolutely positive that a lot of family and friends like reading your posts and want to hear what's going on over there. We just aren't sure how to respond sometimes. Please don't let the lack of comments deter you from writing here!

Uncle Tim and I wish we could dispel some of the boredom and frustration that you feel over there. We SINCERELY appreciate your service! (Did you get our package yet?) Keep blogging. Stay safe. Be vigilant.

With love,
Aunt Pam

Theresa said...

Hey there, how's it going? I just got done reading your Aunt Pam's entry. Made me laugh because I was thinking the same as her. I am always checking your blog to see if you have a new entry and love reading it. But like she says I don't always know what to say back. I think that is why I just ask questions. I don't like to tell you what life is like here for fear it will make you homesick.
Hunter said the Navy and Marines and maybe another military branch came and talked to the boys at school the other day. He was surprised the 8th graders had to listen in. It was 8th grade (that's what grade he is in) and up. He didn't say much else other than he liked the Navy best. He could be biased.
I'll being seeing Duncan at Thanksgiving. Do you want me to slug him or anything for you? (Beth, I can give him a kiss for you if you like. Oh and Duncan, hope you still have your DS because Hunter bought a used one and was hoping you will be bringing yours.)
Haven't watched the weather channel lately, what are the temps like now in Bahgdad? And at night what's it cool off to?
Good luck with your guitar. Talking about that makes me think about this CD my boss burned off for me, it has the coolest long version of "Hit The Road Jack". The song has some elctric guitar solo (and piano and sax and some duets) jamming out stuff. It is very cool.
Thanks for letting us know about the family pictures. I enjoyed looking at them. Still thinking about that career for you, too.
Stay safe.
Stay busy. (It makes time pass faster)

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! You now have a guitar! I've been playing for quite a while so when you get back I'll have to come visit, or can come visit me in my new house, and we'll have a jam session:) Miss you tons!